Summerboard Inactive

If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch and you want to customize it you need to JailBreak it first before you can customize your iPhone/iPod Touch. Change the themes, add games, add more features to your Apple Gadget. The first thing to do is install to your iPhone or if you want to

Salamat sa Hulog-Piso Gang

Maraming salamat po sa Hulog Piso Gang, dyan sa may Buendia, Pasay, at basta sa mga lugar sa gilid ng Makati. Dahil sa inyo, may cellphone parin ako, at wallet. Kasi di niyo kinuha ito, ang bait bait bait bait bait niyo talaga kasi sim card at battery lang kinuha ninyo. Sana sinali niyo nalang

Naruto Episodes

Sooner or later, I will post all Naruto Episodes here so that you can watch it if you missed it on TV. Btw, if you still didn’t know what Naruto is and your just lost in this page, I’ll tell you what it is. It’s a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto