UltraEdit File Tab/Tabs Gone?

If your UltraEdit File Tab was gone or you accidentally closed it and you did’t know how to put it back then this post is for you. I also encountered this same dilemma before wherein I accidentally clicked the X button in the tabs toolbar resulting to the disappearance of my file tabs! I was shocked and was almost paranoid because I can’t find my good old file tabs! After checking all menu options, I found the magical file tab! Here it is!

It’s in View > View/Lists > Open File Tabs!
UltraEdit File Tab

I hope this helps…

54 thoughts on “UltraEdit File Tab/Tabs Gone?

  1. Thanks! It was so frustrating… I really felt like a computer n00b for the first time. Even searched the “view” menu, but couldn’t find it. Thanks, this post was a great help. If you’re editing a large number of php-files, it’s really a drag to lack the open files tab.

  2. Thanks a massive bunch! Bad UltraEdit for not putting this in the Config pages, Bad Editor! Down!

    If UEdit didn’t have the best column editing in the known universe, I would have switched to Notepad++ or KomodoEdit long ago.

  3. thanks u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much; I was facing the problem (of missing the tabs in ultra edit) sevaral times.
    Thanks a ton 😯

  4. If you still can’t get the tabs to show, try unchecking the Dockable tabs option – Advanced, Configuration, Application Layout, File Tabs, Operation

  5. Thank you so much! I just spent an hour trying to figure out how to retreive the tabs view.
    Thanks again. You’re my hero of the day!

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