MyBrute Cheats and MyBrute Hacks

I’m creating this post to serve as a repository of different and useful My Brute Cheats. Btw, the correct and proper way of searching for MyBrute Cheats is My Brute Cheats. My is separated from Brute. It’s improper to search “MyBrute”, it should by “My Brute”. My post title was MyBrute (with no space), because

Error: Download of swfupload_f9.swf returned response code 404

If you encountered a WordPress Error with returned response code of 404 you’ve come to the right place. This is the common error that was encountered after upgrading to WordPress 2.6 and activating Google Gears. Error: Download of {your domain}/wp-includes/js/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf returned response code 404 is the exact error message inside your administration panel.

Wii Night Update: Just Received My Second BlogBank Check!

Eight lucky bloggers received their first quarter BlogBank earnings during the BlogBank’s Wii Night at Red Box, Greenbelt 3.,,,,, and I forgot the rest. I’ll update this post once I remembered the remaining bloggers who received their first quarter check. Hehe. My BlogBank Check SnapShot.

Bloggers Suck, Little Losers by David and Goliath Rocks!

Thanks to David and Goliath for giving us freebies: Stickers, Gift Certificates (Minimum of Php1000.00 GC each. Others had more than 1k Gift Certs.. arrrgghhh..! I should be there earlier than Ate Aileen, Kuya Migs and Miguel), Choking Hazard Toys and a Little Losers Paper Bag. Haha! Everyone was a loser, including me because I’m